take your time

May 3, 2007

360 digest - by leo burnett

iata ca cei de la leo au mai scos o treaba interesanta, creativa, eficienta...360 Digest este un blog care se doreste a fi un instrument de marketing modern care sa informeze publicul pasionat de /marketing/publicitate/comunicare despre cele mai noi executii si idei de activitati de marketing la nivel national si international. evident ca e si pentru clientii grupului leo burnett. mai important e ca reprezinta o noua sursa de informare corecta si numai buna de 'digerat'.

"Blogul isi propune in special sa prezinte lucrari si campanii care depasesc clasicele 30 de secunde si sa educe astfel inspre cultura 360 grade. Vrem sa atragem atentia asupra cazurilor interesante de exploatare a mediilor neconventionale care tind sa devina din ce in ce mai utilizate de branduri pentru a-si putea atinge consumatorii. Prin aceste medii, mesajul ajunge la consumatori in momentele relevante pentru ei, cand sunt cei mai receptivi la mesajul brand-urilor, si nu in momentele fabricate (cum sunt pauzele publicitare, clasicele panouri stradale etc.) cand interesul pentru mesajul comercial poate fi mult mai scazut", explica Raluca Borascu, strategic planner Leo Burnett.

citind cateva dintre posturi, am gasit fel si fel de reclame interesante in mod special la categoria innovative...fapt pentru care m-am gandit sa pun cateva exemple si aici. si cel mai bine o sa imi permit sa reproduc cate ceva si din textul folosit de ei pentru exemplificarea fiecarui caz in parte...

1. WWF anti-pollution campaign
care zice asa:

"To start their Chinese ’20 tips for sustainable development’ campaign and encourage people to visit their 20to20.org mini-site, WWF chose to show the cause-effect of pollution in a very visible way. The copy on the balloon: “Drive one day less and look how much carbon monoxide you”ll keep out of the air we breathe”. Along with an increase in new volunteers, WWF recieved coverage of the event in a number of Chinese newspapers as well as on CCTV 9, Beijing TV, Phoenix TV; even international news stations as far away as Deutsche Welle Broadcasting in Germany an Al Jazeera in the Middle East."

2. Drunken driving kills

"When you're drinking and having fun, you don't care so much about the consequences. Contract Agency from Mumbai found an impactful way to communicate that "drunken driving kills". They printed coasters in bars with a special red ink that activates only when moistered. This way, the face on the coaster becomes bleeding red when somebody puts a drink on it. If this won't make people call a cab after they're done partying, what would?"

3. Sugar Free

"The task? Communicate that everything tastes as sweet as ever with Sugar Free. Rediffusion DYR agency (Bangalore, India) thought of a clever way to do that, by using the crème de la crème of “sweetness ambassadors” – ants! They placed a syrup made from Sugar Free and sweet lime to “paint” the shape of a muffin on a poster – and then left it to the ants to do the rest."

si astea sunt doar cateva dintre cele x, clasificate frumos si explicate cum trebuie... a se consulta din cand in cand blogul pentru informatii updatate.

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